Friday, April 27, 2007

An Ode to Summer's Advent

Behold the balmy days of May
where luckless man begins to stew,
and June will not for long delay
to fry us poor unhappy souls.

The sun at present is still warm
the beams perhaps still pleasant are;
no sunburns boasts your leg or arm,
but their unpleasant day will come.

Enjoy the perspiration now,
for it is but a trickle yet;
a month or two you must allow
until it bathes you head to foot.

In slumber now you may feel freed
of eiderdown and featherbed;
but summer's heat will soon impede
the best attempts to get to sleep.

The flies and wasps, though back they be,
are few and shy when spring is young;
wait but a week, and you shall see
a thriving genealogy.

The comforts countless are and rare
that dog us April through September;
in winter's chill we may not care,
but by June we will remember.

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