Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Final Tale of the Lowly Statistic

Yesterday I went to the job counselling appointment at the Agentur für Arbeit, in which the counsellor essentially informed me that my complete lack of work experience barred me from the professional work which the Agentur could procure for me, and that if anything I would be compelled (the way the agency operates I would be forced to accept any job that is offered) into shift work that I might hate. So he advised instead, given my proficiency in languages, that I search out and apply to tour guide companies, or find "minijobs" (i.e. jobs that come attached with minimal social security benefits and that pay no more than 400 Euros per month or do not last more than two months) on my own. I've already searched for minijobs and therefore didn't feel too thrilled that this was offered as an exciting and novel concept, but on the whole this was the only part of the concise but friendly session that disgruntled me. At length I suggested a "Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr," and he seized on the idea enthusiastically and went to a colleague to give me information sheets.

So now I find that the responsibility of finding work is entirely mine again, instead of being only partially mine as I had expected. How nice.

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