Monday, February 05, 2018

When Unwise Sleeping Hours Succeed

Early this morning I decided to watch the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice series on YouTube. I sped up the episodes, and they were abridged episodes, so that in the end it was before 5 a.m. when I went to sleep. But it was a lovely experience: I was feeling woozy but happy as a clam; and I soaked up the music*, the historic details, the acting, the scenery, the scripting, and the recollections of first seeing it with my sister and brothers as a ten-year-old(?), when it appeared on television in Canada, and being excited for the next episodes — like a sponge.

And, despite the sleeplessness, I was actually cheerful at work.

I even managed to wake up promptly enough to have a shower, pass on a telephone message, remember to pack my ballet clothing and slippers, and practice the violin again! And I did do my work, go grocery shopping, clear up the work kitchen a little, read and fume over more Culture and Anarchy, dance ballet, and go on a 10-or-longer minute walk through 1°C temperatures at nighttime, so it was a well-rounded day.

* (It struck me more than usual.)

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