Monday, August 15, 2022

A Mopy Evening Ramble

It looks like the economic storm will also touch my company more strongly after all, so after an unhappy and tense meeting of fellow team leads, and the rest of the work day, I ended up listlessly wandering outdoors in the rainy twilight. Then I bought groceries on impulse from a chain store that was still open: smoked salmon, garlic bread, instant rice, a marzipan bar, chocolate-covered marshmallows, a square of mint chocolate, a jar of pickles, and a few donations for refugees.

Current events are a bit of a perfect storm: the weather being humid and hot, droughts, unexplained mass fish die-offs in a river east of Berlin, war, news of Kosovo cutting off electricity imports and introducing rationing as it can't afford energy prices any more. Then there is work: tons of colleagues out on holiday, out physically sick, or out mentally sick, involuntarily leaving a double load behind them that other colleagues must shoulder; news of lay-offs in other companies; and now our own looming news.

In terms of work aside from these broader considerations, the day was also not that great, and because I was worried about something I had done overtime over the weekend that ruined my one-day vacation.

I felt too stunned to know what to do next after the work day was done, also uncertain what will be asked of me in the following months. And I had to tell myself that the important thing is to keep going: to put one foot in front of the other, and to keep doing it.

To borrow an old quotation, 'These are times that try men's souls.'

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