Saturday, August 26, 2006

Spots in Schöneberg

Church at the Winterfeldtplatz

Today T., Gi.'s digital camera, and I went for a walk along the Hauptstrasse, then along the Goltz(?)strasse to the Apostel-Paulus-Kirche. T. photographed the church; a passerby stopped and talked with us a little while, then suggested that we go take a photo of the church at the Winterfeldtplatz. I must say that I prefer the Apostel-Paulus-Kirche, which is, I think, a funny mixture of Renaissance and Neogothic and so on, in unusually dark red brick, weathered green bronze, dark grey roof tile -- with a detestable high gray foundation. The low silvery-green trees around it are must have been planted on purpose, because they provide a really intriguing colour contrast with the brick and at the same time colour harmony with the bronze. According to a wikipedia article the church was built in the 1890s. But there is a charm to the church at the Winterfeldtplatz, too. In the niche between two buttresses there is one really tall tree (acacia?) with a small leafy crown only at the top. The church walls are of pale brick; there is a large "window" that has been filled in with muted white behind it, and the gloomy brown of the bare tree trunk fits in. It has a sad dignity to it, I think.

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