Friday, September 28, 2012

The Ogre Tackles An Essay

This time I am trying a live-blog of my History and Culture of the Near East essay again, not this time because I am effervescing past the brim with joyful discoveries but because I am gnarled with grim chagrin and tired besides. On principle persons who slept perhaps five hours the night before with a degree of choice should not complain, but I feel so monumentally grumpy that one might as well celebrate it.

5:42 a.m. I am looking up the streets of extant Moorish Science Temple buildings on Flickr, and there is an overenthusiastic photographer who has uploaded millions of photos of Manhattan and Brooklyn, which end up in my results page even if I am researching an entirely different city. Every time this Thing comes up again, and the blast-durnded street address isn't even given when in fact it *is* relevant, I have been intoning the F-word very loudly in my head. Brevity is the soul of wit, said Pope (or I think Shakespeare, first), and many have said since his time that less is more.

6:25 a.m. The Flickring is done and I am going to sleep! Longer liveblog, perhaps, tomorrow. Must rest before I turn into a zombie and begin to prowl for cerebellaceous fare.

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