Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Abrupt Endings

So much for that. The catering company lady who interviewed me on Friday has telephoned to inform me that she had talked with my supervisor and that it was decided not to hire me. She offered to mail back my application papers, which offer I accepted, and asked me to give back the company's shirt through Mama. It was a shock. I don't understand if I fell short somehow or if I'm just not what they're looking for (the latter, probably, since I didn't do badly yesterday). Cancelling a tentative work contract after a single day is not flattering. But if they didn't mean to employ me anyway it was good of them to drop me before I become more invested in the work. And it is one step nearer towards the job I actually end up doing.

On the other hand I don't apply for jobs for fun — the application process itself is, speaking from personal experience, less fun than a root canal and much longer — or without being convinced that I could and would do it competently to well. Maybe I don't seem desperate enough for work; but I have too much pride to beg or to toady to people, and it's unfair to pressure people to hire me instead of more qualified and suitable (and, possibly, poor) candidates out of pity. It's not an entirely practical attitude, but it leaves me a sustaining scrap of dignity.

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